Source for school locations: Open Data New York. Demographics source: 2000 Census.
- Observations = 2,216
- Variables = 56
- Year = 2000
Variable | Explanation |
POLY_ID | Unique ID |
YOUTH_DROP | Percentage of population age 16-19 that has dropped out of high school |
PER_MNRTY | Percentage of the population that is non-white |
HS_DROP | Percentage of population age over 25 that dropped out of high school |
COL_DEGREE | Percentage of population age over 25 that obtained at least a bachelor’s degree |
PER_ASIAN | Percentage of Asian population |
PER_BLACK | Percentage of black population |
PER_WHITE | Percentage of white population |
CTLabel | Census tract label |
BoroCode | Borough code, 1-5 (see census data) |
BoroName | Borough name |
BoroCT2000 | Census tract coding, see census data |
NTACode | Neighborhood tabulation area code |
NTANAme | Neighborhood tabulation area name |
PUMA | Public use microarea code |
Shape_Leng | Length of polygon border |
Shape_Area | Area of polygon |
NP_CT | Number of nonprofits |
mean_inc | Mean income |
pop1619 | Population age 16-19 (count) |
dropout | High school dropouts, age 16-19 (count) |
enrollhs | Population Population enrolled in high school, age 16-19 (count) |
PER_PRV_SC | Percentage of all students enrolled in private school |
PER_PUB_SC | Percentage of all students enrolled in public school |
over3 | population over 3 years (count) |
notenroll | population over 3 years, not Population enrolled in school (count) |
over3enroll | population over 3 years, Population enrolled in school (count) |
pubsch | Population enrolled in public school (count) |
pub_pk | Population enrolled in public pre-k (count) |
pub_k8 | Population enrolled in public k-8 (count) |
pub_hs | Population enrolled in public high school (count) |
pub_col | Population enrolled in public college (count) |
privsch | Population enrolled in private school (count) |
priv_pk | Population enrolled in private pre-k (count) |
priv_k8 | Population enrolled in private k-8 (count) |
priv_hs | Population enrolled in private high school (count) |
priv_col | Population enrolled in private college (count) |
over25 | Population over 25 years (count) |
subhs | Population over 25 years with less than high school degree (count) |
hs | Population over 25 years with high school degree (count) |
somecol | Population over 25 years with some college (count) |
college | Population over 25 years with bachelor’s degree (count) |
master | Population over 25 years with master’s degree (count) |
prof | Population over 25 years with professional degree (count) |
phd | Population over 25 years with phd (count) |
white | Total white population (count) |
black | Total black population (count) |
asian | Total Asian population (count) |
sub18 | Total population under 18 years (count) |
GENDER_PAR | Gender parity, 1=parity, higher = more males, lower = more females |
male | Male population (count) |
female | Female population (count) |
SCHOOL_CT | Number of schools (count) |
popdens | Population density (people per square mile) |
population | Population count |
Prepared by (Center for Spatial Data Science) Last updated July 10, 2017. Data provided “as is,” no warranties.