Source for school locations: Open Data New York. Demographics source: 2000 Census.

Variable Explanation
YOUTH_DROP Percentage of population age 16-19 that has dropped out of high school
PER_MNRTY Percentage of the population that is non-white
HS_DROP Percentage of population age over 25 that dropped out of high school
COL_DEGREE Percentage of population age over 25 that obtained at least a bachelor’s degree
PER_ASIAN Percentage of Asian population
PER_BLACK Percentage of black population
PER_WHITE Percentage of white population
CTLabel Census tract label
BoroCode Borough code, 1-5 (see census data)
BoroName Borough name
BoroCT2000 Census tract coding, see census data
NTACode Neighborhood tabulation area code
NTANAme Neighborhood tabulation area name
PUMA Public use microarea code
Shape_Leng Length of polygon border
Shape_Area Area of polygon
NP_CT Number of nonprofits
mean_inc Mean income
pop1619 Population age 16-19 (count)
dropout High school dropouts, age 16-19 (count)
enrollhs Population Population enrolled in high school, age 16-19 (count)
PER_PRV_SC Percentage of all students enrolled in private school
PER_PUB_SC Percentage of all students enrolled in public school
over3 population over 3 years (count)
notenroll population over 3 years, not Population enrolled in school (count)
over3enroll population over 3 years, Population enrolled in school (count)
pubsch Population enrolled in public school (count)
pub_pk Population enrolled in public pre-k (count)
pub_k8 Population enrolled in public k-8 (count)
pub_hs Population enrolled in public high school (count)
pub_col Population enrolled in public college (count)
privsch Population enrolled in private school (count)
priv_pk Population enrolled in private pre-k (count)
priv_k8 Population enrolled in private k-8 (count)
priv_hs Population enrolled in private high school (count)
priv_col Population enrolled in private college (count)
over25 Population over 25 years (count)
subhs Population over 25 years with less than high school degree (count)
hs Population over 25 years with high school degree (count)
somecol Population over 25 years with some college (count)
college Population over 25 years with bachelor’s degree (count)
master Population over 25 years with master’s degree (count)
prof Population over 25 years with professional degree (count)
phd Population over 25 years with phd (count)
white Total white population (count)
black Total black population (count)
asian Total Asian population (count)
sub18 Total population under 18 years (count)
GENDER_PAR Gender parity, 1=parity, higher = more males, lower = more females
male Male population (count)
female Female population (count)
SCHOOL_CT Number of schools (count)
popdens Population density (people per square mile)
population Population count

Prepared by (Center for Spatial Data Science) Last updated July 10, 2017. Data provided “as is,” no warranties.