Malaria incidence in 1998, population from 1973, 1985, 1993 censuses, and projected population from 1995 to 2005.

Source: Modified from the boundary files downloaded from Malaria incidence in 1998. (Source: SIVIGILA. Ministerio de Salud, Colombia.There are 3 files for each year from 1995-2005. Projections from Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadastica DANE, Colombia).

File Description
colmunic Data at administrative level 2 (Counties)
coldept Data at administrative level 1 (States)
Variable Description
ID Sequencial ID
ADM0 Country name
ADM1 Departmentos=States (Administrative level 1)
ADM2 Municipioss=Counties (Administrative level 2)
IDDANE DANE (Colombian National Bureau of Statistics) code for counties in numeric format
DANECODE DANE (Colombian National Bureau of Statistics) code for counties in character format
CODDEPT DANE (Colombian National Bureau of Statistics) code for states
TPyyyy Total population from census in year ‘yyyy’ (1973, 1985, and 1993 have census population, the remaning years have projected population)
UPyyyy Urban population from census in year ‘yyyy’ (1973, 1985, and 1993 have census population, the remaning years have projected population)
RPyyyy Rural population from census in year ‘yyyy’ (1973, 1985, and 1993 have census population, the remaning years have projected population)
MALARI98 Malaria incidence in 1998

Prepared by Luis Galvis. Last updated June 20, 2005. Data provided “as is,” no warranties.