Public health and socio-economic indicators for the 77 community areas of Chicago, IL, 2014.
- Variables = 86
- Observations = 77
- Years = 2012-2014
Source Economic Hardship Index method based on the Intercity Hardship Index, by Richard P. Nathan and Charles F. Adams, Jr. in Understanding Urban Hardship, Political Science Quarterly 91 (Spring 1976): 47-62.)
Variable | Description | Source |
ComAreaID | Community Area ID | |
community | Community Area Name | |
TRACTnt | Tract ID | |
shape_area | Polygon area | |
shape_len | Polygon perimeter | |
Pop2012 | Population in 2012 | American Community Survey 2014 |
Pop2014 | Population in 2014 | American Community Survey 2014 |
PopM | Male Population in 2014 | American Community Survey 2014 |
PopF | Female population in 2014 | American Community Survey 2014 |
Under5 | Population age 0-5 in 2014 | American Community Survey 2014 |
Under18 | Population age 0-18 in 2014 | American Community Survey 2014 |
Over21 | Population over age 21 in 2014 | American Community Survey 2014 |
Over65 | Population over age 65 in 2014 | American Community Survey 2014 |
Wht14 | White population in 2014 | American Community Survey 2014 |
Blk14 | Black population in 2014 | American Community Survey 2014 |
AI14 | American Indian population in 2014 | American Community Survey 2014 |
AS14 | Asian population in 2014 | American Community Survey 2014 |
NHP14 | Native Hawaiian population in 2014 | American Community Survey 2014 |
Oth14 | Population of other races in 2014 | American Community Survey 2014 |
Hisp14 | Hispanic population in 2014 | American Community Survey 2014 |
PopMP | Proportion of male in the overall population in 2014 | American Community Survey 2014 |
PopFP | Proportion of female in the overall population in 2014 | American Community Survey 2014 |
Under5P | Proportion of under 5 in the overall population in 2014 | American Community Survey 2014 |
Under18P | Proportion of under 18 in the overall population in 2014 | American Community Survey 2014 |
Over18P | Proportion of over 18 in the overall population in 2014 | American Community Survey 2014 |
Over21P | Proportion of over 21 in the overall population in 2014 | American Community Survey 2014 |
Over65P | Proportion of over 65 in the overall population in 2014 | American Community Survey 2014 |
Wht14P | Proportion of white population in 2014 | American Community Survey 2014 |
Blk14P | Proportion of black population in 2014 | American Community Survey 2014 |
AI14P | Proportion of American Indian population in 2014 | American Community Survey 2014 |
AS14P | Proportion of asian population in 2014 | American Community Survey 2014 |
NHP14P | Proportion of native hawaiian population in 2014 | American Community Survey 2014 |
Oth14P | Proportion of other races population in 2014 | American Community Survey 2014 |
Hisp14P | Proportion of hispanic population in 2014 | American Community Survey 2014 |
Property_C | Number of property crimes | American Community Survey 2014 |
PropCrRt | Property crime rate in 2014 | American Community Survey 2014 |
Violent_C | Number of violent crimes | American Community Survey 2014 |
VlntCrRt | Violent crime rate in 2014 | American Community Survey 2014 |
PerCInc14 | Per Capita Income | American Community Survey 2014 |
PPop14 | 2014 Population base for 2014 poverty counts | American Community Survey 2014 |
Pov14 | Number of people living in poverty in 2014 | American Community Survey 2014 |
ChildPov14 | Number of children (age 0-18) living in poverty in 2014 | American Community Survey 2014 |
NoHS14 | Number of adults without a high school diploma in 2014 | American Community Survey 2014 |
HSGrad14 | Number of high school graduates in 2014 | American Community Survey 2014 |
SmClg14 | Number of people who have some college education in 2014 | American Community Survey 2014 |
ClgGrad14 | Number of people who have a college degree in 2014 | American Community Survey 2014 |
LaborFrc | Number of people in the labor force in 2014 | American Community Survey 2014 |
Unemp14 | Number of people unemployed in 2014 | American Community Survey 2014 |
Pov50 | Number of people with income below 50% of the poverty line | American Community Survey 2014 |
Pov50P | Proportion of people with income below 50% of the poverty line | American Community Survey 2014 |
Pov125 | Number of people with income below 125% of the poverty line | American Community Survey 2014 |
Pov125P | Proportion of people with income below 125% of the poverty line | American Community Survey 2014 |
Pov150 | Number of people with income below 150% of the poverty line | American Community Survey 2014 |
Pov150P | Proportion of people with income below 150% of the poverty line | American Community Survey 2014 |
Pov185 | Number of people with income below 185% of the poverty line | American Community Survey 2014 |
Pov185P | Proportion of people with income below 185% of the poverty line | American Community Survey 2014 |
Pov200 | Number of people with income below 200% of the poverty line | American Community Survey 2014 |
Pov200P | Proportion of people with income below 200% of the poverty line | American Community Survey 2014S |
SESave | Average SES | American Community Survey 2014 |
COIave | Average Childhood Opportunity Index | Chicago Dept of Public Health, Childhood Opportunity Index |
HISave | Average Economic Hardship Index | Based on ACS 2014 data; methods: Intercity Hardship Index by Nathan and Adams |
Hlitave | Average health literacy | Health Literacy Project |
Birthrate | Birth rate per 1000 residents | Public Health Statistics- Selected public health indicators by Chicago community area. City of Chicago Data Portal |
FertRate | Fertility rate per 1000 females aged 15-44 | City of Chicago Data Portal |
LowBirthR | Percent of live births with low birth weight | City of Chicago Data Portal |
PrenScrn | Percent of females delivering a live birth, in which prenatal care began in first trimester | City of Chicago Data Portal |
PretBrth | Preterm births as percent of live births | City of Chicago Data Portal |
TeenBirth | Teen birth rate per 1000 females aged 15-19 | City of Chicago Data Portal |
Assault | Homicide deaths per 100,000 persons (age adjusted) | City of Chicago Data Portal |
BrstCancr | Breast cancer deaths per 100,000 females (age adjusted) | City of Chicago Data Portal |
CancerAll | Cancer deaths per 100,000 persons (age adjusted) | City of Chicago Data Portal |
Colorect | Colorectal cancer deaths per 100,000 persons (age adjusted) | City of Chicago Data Portal |
DiabetM | Diabetes-related deaths per 100,000 persons (age adjusted) | City of Chicago Data Portal |
FirearmM | Firearm-related deaths per 100,000 persons (age adjusted) | City of Chicago Data Portal |
InfntMR | Infant mortality rate: deaths per 1000 live births | City of Chicago Data Portal |
LungCancer | Lung cancer deaths per 100,000 persons (age adjusted) | City of Chicago Data Portal |
ProstateC | Prostate cancer deaths per 100,000 males (age adjusted) | City of Chicago Data Portal |
Stroke | Stroke deaths per 100,000 persons (age adjusted) | City of Chicago Data Portal |
ChlBLLS | Childhood blood lead level screening, per 1000 children aged 0-6 years | City of Chicago Data Portal |
ChlLeadP | Childhood lead poisoning per 100 | City of Chicago Data Portal |
GonorrF | Gonorrhea in females, per 10,000 females age 15-44 | City of Chicago Data Portal |
GonorrM | Gonorrhea in males, per 10,000 females age 15-44 | City of Chicago Data Portal |
Tuberc | Tuberculosis per 100,000 persons | City of Chicago Data Portal |
Prepared by (Center for Spatial Data Science). Last updated July 6, 2017. Data provided “as is,” no warranties.