Simulated random variables with spatial autocorrelation, on 10x10 grid.

Source The grid was created in GeoDa. The variables were simulated using R and its spdep package.

Variable Description
POLYID Grid cell identifier
Z Random variables for standard normal distribution
ZMAxx Standard normal variates transformed to follow a spatial moving average with parameter xx (xx is 02, 05, 07, 09 for 0.2, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9)
RANZMAxx Randomly permuted observations matching the variable ZMAxx
ZMANxx Standard normal variates transformed to follow a spatial moving average with negative parameter xx (xx defined above)}
RANZMANxx Randomly permuted counterpart of ZMANxx (xx defined above)}
ZARrxx Standard normal variates transformed to follow a spatial autoregressive process with parameter xx (xx defined above)}
RANZARxx Randomly permuted counterpart of ZARxx (xx defined above)}
ZARNxx Standard normal variates transformed to follow a spatial autoregressive process with negative parameter xx (xx defined above)}
RANZARNxx Randomly permuted counterpart of ZARNxx (xx defined above)}

Prepared by Luc Anselin. Last updated June 3, 2004. Data provided “as is,” no warranties.