Yield data and Nitrogen fertilizer treatment with field characteristics for the Las Rosas farm, Rio Cuarto, Cordoba, Argentina, 1999 (Rosas1999) and 2001 (Rosas2001).

Two files: one for 1999, one for 2001 - the locations do not match across years), includes lat-lon of grid centroids.


Rodolfo Bongiovanni, Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia Agropecuaria (INTA), Manfredi, Cordoba, Argentina,


Bongiovanni, R. (2002). A spatial econometric approach to the economics of site-specific Nitrogen management in corn production. Ph.D. Dissertation, Purdue University.

Anselin, L., R. Bongiovanni, J. Lowenberg-DeBoer (2004). A spatial econometric approach to the economics of site-specific Nitrogen management in corn production. American Journal of Agricultural Economics (forthcoming).

Variable Description
ID Identifier
TOP2 Topography dummy, Slope E
TOP3 Topography dummy, Hilltop
TOP4 Topography dummy, Slope W
NXTOPz Interaction Nitrogen and topography zone (z: from 2 to 4)
OBS Observation number
YIELD Corn yield (quintals per hectare)
N Nitrogen fertilizer application (kg per hectare)
N2 Nitrogen squared
TOPO Zone: Low E (1), Slope E (2), Hilltop (3), Slope W (4)
BV Brightness value (proxy for low organic matter content)
BV2 Brightness squared
NXBV Interaction Nitrogen - brightness
BVXT2z Interaction brightness and topographic zone (z: from 2 to 4)
BV2XTz Interaction squared brightness and topographic zone (z: from 2 to 4)
SAT (99) Red to NIR ratio (proxy for low organic matter content)
SAT2 (99) SAT squared
NXSAT (99) Interaction Nitrogen - Red to NIR ratio
SATXTz (99) Interaction Sat - topographic zone (z: from 2 to 4)
SAT2XTz (99) Interaction Sat squared - topographic zone (z: from 2 to 4)

Year in parentheses indicates variable is unique to that year.

Prepared by Luc Anselin. Last updated November 3, 2003. Data provided “as is,” no warranties.