Ohio lung cancer data for 1968, 1978 and 1988.

File Description
ohdat.dbf Data set with lung mortality for Ohio (OH) counties, 1968, 1978, 1988 (for joining with OH base map)
ohioutmbnd.txt Ohio County ASCII boundary files in UTM Zone 17 projection
ohutm.shp/shx/dbf Shapefile constructed from ohioutmbnd.txt (no data); 88 observations, 4 variables
ohlung.shp/shx/dbf Shapefile for OH counties with all data; 88 observations, 42 variables

Source: Boundary file: Data manipulation by Luc Anselin and through GeoDa.

Lung cancer mortality data from Brad Carlin’s web site (file ohio.dat), available at Conversion to GeoDa input format by Luc Anselin.

Reference: Xia, Hong and Bradley P. Carlin (1998). Spatio-temporal models with errors in covariates: mapping Ohio lung cancer mortality. Statistics in Medicine 17, 2025-043.

Variable Description
CountyID Sequential county ID (alphabetic order)
NAME County name
FIPSNO County FIPS code (numeric)
AREA Area of polygon
PERIMETER Perimeter of polygon

For each year, there are 12 variables:

Variable Description
LGRyy Lung cancer cases for gender G (male: M or female: F) and race R (white:W or black:B) in year yy (1968, 1978, 1988)
POPGRyy Population at risk for gender G (male: M or female: F) and race R (W or B) in year yy (1968, 1978, 1988)
LGyy Total lung cancer cases for gender G (male: M or female: F) and each year (1968, 1978, 1988)
POPGyy Total population at risk by gender G (male: M or female: F) and year yy (1968, 1978, 1988)

Prepared by Luc Anselin. Last updated June 3, 2004. Data provided “as is,” no warranties.