Business data for the Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue Metropolitan Statistical Area, Washington (1998 and 2001).
Source: 1998 and 2001 Zip Code Business Patterns, US Census Bureau
- Observations = 145
- Variables = 59
- Years = 1998, 2001
Variable | Description |
ZIP | ZIP code |
PO_NAME | Name of ZIP code area |
STATE | State abbreviation |
MSA | Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) name |
CBSA_CODE | U.S. Core Based Statistical (CBSA) Area code |
POP2001 | Population 2001 |
EST98 | Total establishments in ZIP code, 1998 |
EMP98 | Total mid-march employees, 1998 |
PAY98 | Total annual payroll ($1,000), 1998 |
EST01 | Total establishments in ZIP code, 2001 |
EMP01 | Total mid-march employees, 2001 |
PAY01 | Total annual payroll ($1,000), 2001 |
MAN98 | 1998 total manufacturing establishments (MSA) |
MAN98_12 | 1998 total manufacturing establishments, 1-9 employees (MSA) |
MAN98_39 | 1998 total manufacturing establishments 10+ employees (MSA) |
MAN01 | 2001 total manufacturing establishments (MSA) |
MAN01_12 | 2001 total manufacturing establishments, 1-9 employees (MSA) |
MAN01_39 | 2001 total manufacturing establishments, 10+ employees (MSA) |
MAN98US | 1998 total manufacturing establishments (US) |
MAN98US12 | 1998 total manufacturing establishments, 1-9 employees (US) |
MAN98US39 | 1998 total manufacturing establishments 10+ employees (US) |
MAN01US | 2001 total manufacturing establishments (US) |
MAN01US_12 | 2001 total manufacturing establishments, 1-9 employees (US) |
MAN01US_39 | 2001 total manufacturing establishments, 10+ employees (US) |
OFF98 | 1998 total office establishments (MSA) |
OFF98_12 | 1998 total office establishments, 1-9 employees (MSA) |
OFF98_39 | 1998 total office establishments, 10+ employees (MSA) |
OFF01 | 2001 total office establishments (MSA) |
OFF01_12 | 2001 total office establishments, 1-9 employees (MSA) |
OFF01_39 | 2001 total office establishments, 10+ employees (MSA) |
OFF98US | 1998 total office establishments (US) |
OFF98US12 | 1998 total office establishments, 1-9 employees (US) |
OFF98US39 | 1998 total office establishments, 10+ employees (US) |
OFF01US | 2001 total office establishments (US) |
OFFUS01_12 | 2001 total office establishments, 1-9 employees (US) |
OFFUS01_39 | 2001 total office establishments, 10+ employees (US) |
INFO98 | 1998 total information establishments (MSA) |
INFO98_12 | 1998 total information establishments, 1-9 employees (MSA) |
INFO98_39 | 1998 total information establishments, 10+ employees (MSA) |
INFO01 | 2001 total information establishments (MSA) |
INFO01_12 | 2001 total information establishments, 1-9 employees (MSA) |
INFO01_39 | 2001 total information establishments, 10+ employees (MSA) |
INFO98US | 1998 total information establishments (US) |
INFO98US12 | 1998 total information establishments, 1-9 employees (US) |
INFO98US39 | 1998 total information establishments, 10+ employees (US) |
INFO01US | 2001 total information establishments (US) |
INFO01US_1 | 2001 total information establishments, 1-9 employees (US) |
INFO01US_3 | 2001 total information establishments, 10+ employees (US) |
INDEX | Unique index |
NUMSEC | Number of sectors represented in ZIP code |
PCTNGE | National growth effect, percent (N) |
PCTIME | Industry mix effect, percent (M) |
PCTCSE | Competitive shift effect, percent (S) |
PCTGRO | Percent growth establishments, 1998-2001 (R) |
ID | Unique ZIP code ID for ID variables in weights matrix creation window |
Prepared by Center for Spatial Data Science Last updated in 2004. Data provided “as is,” no warranties.