Crime and socio-demographic data for the Clifton, Walnut Hills, Evanston, and Avondale neighborhoods in Cincinnati, OH for the last 6 months of 2008. From Grubesic, T, R. Wei and A. Murray (2014). Spatial clustering overview and comparison: accuracy, sensitivity and computational expense. Annals, Association of American Geographers 104, 1134-1156.
- Variables = 89
- Observations = 457
- Year = 2008
Variable | Description |
ID | Polygon ID |
AREA | Polygon area |
BLOCK | Census block ID |
BG | Census block group ID |
TRACT | Census tract ID |
COUNTY | 5 digit code for the county (Hamilton County, Ohio). Not to be confused with zip code |
MSA | Metropolitan statistical area ID |
POPULATION | Population on the block |
MALE, FEMALE | Population on the block broken down by gender |
AGE_X_Y | Population on the block broken down by age (From X to Y) |
MEDIAN_AGE | Median age on the block |
AGE_X | Population aged X and over |
MALE_X | Male population aged X and over |
FEMALE_X | Female population aged X and over |
F1_RACE | Number of people who marked a race on the survey |
WHITE | White population |
BLACK | Black population |
AMINDIAN | American Indian population |
ASIAN | Asian population |
HAWAIIAN | Hawaiian population |
OTHER_RACE | Population self-identified as other race (non white, black, asian or hawaiian) |
F2_RACES | Number of people who did not mark any race on the survey |
AP_WHITE | Adjusted white population |
AP_BLACK | Adjusted black population |
AP_AMINDIA | Adjusted American Indian population |
AP_ASIAN | Adjusted Asian population |
AP_HAWAIIA | Adjusted Hawaiian population |
AP_OTHER | Adjusted other-race population |
AP_HISPANI, NOT_HISPAN | Population breakdown by Hispanic and Non-Hispanic |
NH_WHITE | Non-Hispanic white population |
IN_HOUSEHO | Population living in households |
GROUP_QUAR | Population living in group quarters instead of traditional households |
GQ_INSTU, GQ_NONINST | Institutional population |
GQ_INSTU, GQ_NONINST | Non-institutional population |
HOUSEHOLDS | Number of households |
HH_FAMILY | Number of family households |
HH_NONFAMI | Number of non family households |
AVG_HHSIZE | Average household size |
AVG_FAMSIZ | Average family size |
HSNG_UNITS | Number of housing units |
HU_OCCUPIE }{ | Number of housing units occupied |
HU_VACANT | Number of housing units vacant |
OCCHU_OWNE | Occupied housing units (owner occupied) |
OCCHU_RENT | Occupied housing units (renter occupied) |
OWNER_SIZE | Average household size of owner occupied housing units |
RENTER_SIZ | Average household size of renter occupied housing units |
DENSITY | Population density |
BURGLARY | Counts of burglary |
ASSAULT | Counts of assault |
THEFT | Counts of theft |
BURG_D | Burglary dummy: ‘1’ if there is at least 1 incident, ‘0’ otherwise |
ASSALT_D | Assault dummy: ‘1’ if there is at least 1 incident, ‘0’ otherwise |
THEFT_D | Theft dummy: ‘1’ if there is at least 1 incident, ‘0’ otherwise |
Prepared by (Center for Spatial Data Science) Last updated July 6, 2017. Data provided “as is,” no warranties.