This file compiles 8 datasets about the Soho Outbreak (including the Broad St Pump case) and the South London Natural Experiment in in mid-19th century London (Snow, 1855; Coleman, 2020).

The documentation is available at:


The Geoda script is available at:


Overview of data

File Description Site
1.deaths_nd_by_house Cholera deaths and non-deaths aggregated by house Snow1
2.deaths_by_bldg Deaths aggregated to buildings Snow2
3.deaths_by_block Deaths aggregated to blocks Snow3
4.deaths_by_bsrings Deaths aggregated to 5m rings around Broad St pump Snow4
5.deaths_by_8rings Deaths aggregated to 10m rings around 8 pumps Snow5
6.pumps 8 pumps in the Broad St. area Snow6
7.sewergrates_ventilators Sewer grates and ventilators Snow7
8.subdistricts London 32 subdistricts as of 1855 with data Snow8


Arribas-Bel, D., de Graaff, T., & Rey, S. J. (2017). Looking at John Snow’s Cholera map from the twenty first century: A practical primer on reproducibility and open science. In Regional Research Frontiers - Vol. 2 (pp. 283-306). Springer, Cham. Data can be downloaded from Dani Arribas-Bel’s ‘reproducible john snow’ BitBucket repository at

Chave, S. P. W. (1958). Henry Whitehead and Cholera in Broad Street. Medical History, Volume 2, Number 2, pp. 92-108.

Coleman, T. (2019). Causality in the Time of Cholera: John Snow as a Prototype for Causal Inference. Working paper. Available at SSRN at Data can be downloaded from (last accessed September 2, 2020).

Coleman, T. (2020). John Snow, Cholera, and South London Reconsidered. Working paper. Available on SSRN at Data can be downloaded from (last accessed September 2, 2020).

General Board of Health, Medical Council (1855), Plan shewing the ascertained deaths from cholera in the part of the Parishes of St. James, Westminster and St. Anne, Soho, during the summer and autumn of 1854, in Appendix to Report of the Committee for Scientific Inquiries in Relation to the Cholera-Epidemic of 1854, London,HMSO,no.14,available at

Koch, T. and K. Denike (2006). Rethinking John Snow’s South London study: A Bayesian evaluation and recalculation. Social Science and Medicine, 63(1), 271-283. Subdistrict boundary files provided by the author.

Snow, J. (1855). On the Mode of Communication of Cholera. London, second edition, Map 1, available at

Snow, J. (1855). On the Mode of Communication of Cholera. London, second edition, Map 2, available at

Tobler, W. (1994). Snow’s Cholera Map. Data files were obtained from the HistData CRAN R package.

Vinten-Johansen, P. (Ed.). (2020). Investigating Cholera in Broad Street: A History in Documents. Broadview Press.

Vinten-Johansen, P. (2022). A Pest Field, Plague Pits, New Sewers, and a Cholera Outbreak in St. James, Westminster. Preprint on Researchgate (December).

Wilson, R (2011). John Snow’s Cholera data in more formats. Reprojected data can also be downloaded from Dani Arribas-Bel’s ‘reproducible john snow’ BitBucket repository at

Prepared by Center for Spatial Data Science. Last updated February 1, 2021. Data provided “as is,” no warranties.