__author__ = "Xun Li <lixun910@gmail.com>"
from ..libgeoda import VecVecDouble, VecPair, VecDouble, VecInt, Pair
from ..libgeoda import gda_maxp_greedy, gda_maxp_sa, gda_maxp_tabu
from ..libgeoda import gda_betweensumofsquare, gda_totalsumofsquare, gda_withinsumofsquare, flat_2dclusters
1/20/2021 Add maxp_greedy, maxp_sa, maxp_tabu
[docs]def maxp_greedy(w, data, bound_variable, min_bound, **kwargs):
''' A greedy algorithm to solve the max-p-region problem
The max-p-region problem is a special case of constrained clustering where a finite number of geographical areas are aggregated into the maximum number of regions (max-p-regions), such that each region is geographically connected and the clusters could maximize internal homogeneity.
w (Weight): an instance of Weight class
data (list or dataframe): A list of numeric vectors of selected variable or a data frame of selected variables e.g. guerry[['Crm_prs', 'Literacy']]
bound_variable (tuple): A numeric vector of selected bounding variable
min_bound (float): A minimum value that the sum value of bounding variable int each cluster should be greater than
iterations (int, optional): The number of iterations of greedy algorithm. Defaults to 99.
init_regions (tuple, optional): The initial regions that the local search starts with. Default is empty. means the local search starts with a random process to "grow" clusters
scale_method (str, optional): One of the scaling methods {'raw', 'standardize', 'demean', 'mad', 'range_standardize', 'range_adjust'} to apply on input data. Default is 'standardize' (Z-score normalization).
distance_method (str, optional): The distance method used to compute the distance betwen observation i and j. Defaults to "euclidean". Options are "euclidean" and "manhattan"
random_seed (int, optional): The seed for random number generator. Defaults to 123456789. It is the same as GeoDa software
cpu_threads (int, optional): The number of cpu threads used for parallel computation
dict: A dict with keys {"Clusters", "TotalSS", "Within-clusterSS", "TotalWithin-clusterSS", "Ratio"}
iterations = 99 if 'iterations' not in kwargs else kwargs['iterations']
init_regions = [] if 'init_regions' not in kwargs else kwargs['init_regions']
scale_method = "standardize" if "scale_method" not in kwargs else kwargs['scale_method']
distance_method = 'euclidean' if 'distance_method' not in kwargs else kwargs['distance_method']
random_seed = 123456789 if 'random_seed' not in kwargs else kwargs['random_seed']
cpu_threads = 6 if 'cpu_threads' not in kwargs else kwargs['cpu_threads']
if w.num_obs < 1:
raise ValueError("The weights is not valid.")
if len(data) < 1:
raise ValueError("The data from selected variable is empty.")
if len(bound_variable) != w.num_obs:
raise ValueError("The bound_variable has to be a list of numeric values, e.g. a column of input table.")
if min_bound <= 0:
raise ValueError("The min_bound has to be a positive numeric value.")
in_data = VecVecDouble()
if type(data).__name__ == "DataFrame":
data = data.values.transpose().tolist()
for d in data:
min_bounds = VecPair()
max_bounds = VecPair()
min_bounds.push_back((min_bound, list(bound_variable)))
in_init_regions = VecInt(list(init_regions))
cluster_ids = gda_maxp_greedy(w.gda_w, in_data, scale_method, iterations, min_bounds, max_bounds, in_init_regions, distance_method, random_seed, cpu_threads)
between_ss = gda_betweensumofsquare(cluster_ids, in_data)
total_ss = gda_totalsumofsquare(in_data)
ratio = between_ss / total_ss
within_ss = gda_withinsumofsquare(cluster_ids, in_data)
return {
"Total sum of squares" : total_ss,
"Within-cluster sum of squares" : within_ss,
"Total within-cluster sum of squares" : between_ss,
"The ratio of between to total sum of squares" : ratio,
"Clusters" : flat_2dclusters(w.num_obs, cluster_ids),
[docs]def maxp_sa(w, data, bound_variable, min_bound, cooling_rate=0.85, **kwargs):
''' A simulated annealing algorithm to solve the max-p-region problem
The max-p-region problem is a special case of constrained clustering where a finite number of geographical areas are aggregated into the maximum number of regions (max-p-regions), such that each region is geographically connected and the clusters could maximize internal homogeneity.
w (Weight): an instance of Weight class
data (list or dataframe): A list of numeric vectors of selected variable or a data frame of selected variables e.g. guerry[['Crm_prs', 'Literacy']]
bound_variable (tuple): A numeric vector of selected bounding variable
min_bound (float): A minimum value that the sum value of bounding variable int each cluster should be greater than
cooling_rate (float): The cooling rate of a simulated annealing algorithm. Defaults to 0.85
sa_maxit (int): The number of iterations of simulated annealing. Defaults to 1
iterations (int, optional): The number of iterations of greedy algorithm. Defaults to 99.
init_regions (tuple, optional): The initial regions that the local search starts with. Default is empty. means the local search starts with a random process to "grow" clusters
scale_method (str, optional): One of the scaling methods {'raw', 'standardize', 'demean', 'mad', 'range_standardize', 'range_adjust'} to apply on input data. Default is 'standardize' (Z-score normalization).
distance_method (str, optional): The distance method used to compute the distance betwen observation i and j. Defaults to "euclidean". Options are "euclidean" and "manhattan"
random_seed (int, optional): The seed for random number generator. Defaults to 123456789. It is the same as GeoDa software
cpu_threads (int, optional): The number of cpu threads used for parallel computation
dict: A dict with keys {"Clusters", "TotalSS", "Within-clusterSS", "TotalWithin-clusterSS", "Ratio"}
sa_maxit = 1 if 'sa_maxit' not in kwargs else kwargs['sa_maxit']
iterations = 99 if 'iterations' not in kwargs else kwargs['iterations']
init_regions = [] if 'init_regions' not in kwargs else kwargs['init_regions']
scale_method = "standardize" if "scale_method" not in kwargs else kwargs['scale_method']
distance_method = 'euclidean' if 'distance_method' not in kwargs else kwargs['distance_method']
random_seed = 123456789 if 'random_seed' not in kwargs else kwargs['random_seed']
cpu_threads = 6 if 'cpu_threads' not in kwargs else kwargs['cpu_threads']
if cooling_rate <=0 or cooling_rate >=1:
raise ValueError("Cooling rate should be in range (0,1).")
if w.num_obs < 1:
raise ValueError("The weights is not valid.")
if len(data) < 1:
raise ValueError("The data from selected variable is empty.")
if len(bound_variable) != w.num_obs:
raise ValueError("The bound_variable has to be a list of numeric values, e.g. a column of input table.")
if min_bound <= 0:
raise ValueError("The min_bound has to be a positive numeric value.")
in_data = VecVecDouble()
if type(data).__name__ == "DataFrame":
data = data.values.transpose().tolist()
for d in data:
min_bounds = VecPair()
max_bounds = VecPair()
min_bounds.push_back((min_bound, list(bound_variable)))
in_init_regions = VecInt(list(init_regions))
cluster_ids = gda_maxp_sa(w.gda_w, in_data, scale_method, iterations, cooling_rate, sa_maxit, min_bounds, max_bounds, in_init_regions, distance_method, random_seed, cpu_threads)
between_ss = gda_betweensumofsquare(cluster_ids, in_data)
total_ss = gda_totalsumofsquare(in_data)
ratio = between_ss / total_ss
within_ss = gda_withinsumofsquare(cluster_ids, in_data)
return {
"Total sum of squares" : total_ss,
"Within-cluster sum of squares" : within_ss,
"Total within-cluster sum of squares" : between_ss,
"The ratio of between to total sum of squares" : ratio,
"Clusters" : flat_2dclusters(w.num_obs, cluster_ids),
[docs]def maxp_tabu(w, data, bound_variable, min_bound, tabu_length=10, **kwargs):
''' A tabu-search algorithm to solve the max-p-region problem
The max-p-region problem is a special case of constrained clustering where a finite number of geographical areas are aggregated into the maximum number of regions (max-p-regions), such that each region is geographically connected and the clusters could maximize internal homogeneity.
w (Weight): an instance of Weight class
data (list or dataframe): A list of numeric vectors of selected variable or a data frame of selected variables e.g. guerry[['Crm_prs', 'Literacy']]
bound_variable (tuple): A numeric vector of selected bounding variable
min_bound (float): A minimum value that the sum value of bounding variable int each cluster should be greater than
tabu_length (int): The length of a tabu search heuristic of tabu algorithm. Defaults to 10.
conv_tabu (int, optional): The number of non-improving moves. Defaults to 10.
iterations (int, optional): The number of iterations of greedy algorithm. Defaults to 99.
init_regions (tuple, optional): The initial regions that the local search starts with. Default is empty. means the local search starts with a random process to "grow" clusters
scale_method (str, optional): One of the scaling methods {'raw', 'standardize', 'demean', 'mad', 'range_standardize', 'range_adjust'} to apply on input data. Default is 'standardize' (Z-score normalization).
distance_method (str, optional): The distance method used to compute the distance betwen observation i and j. Defaults to "euclidean". Options are "euclidean" and "manhattan"
random_seed (int, optional): The seed for random number generator. Defaults to 123456789. It is the same as GeoDa software
cpu_threads (int, optional): The number of cpu threads used for parallel computation
dict: A dict with keys {"Clusters", "TotalSS", "Within-clusterSS", "TotalWithin-clusterSS", "Ratio"}
conv_tabu = 10 if 'conv_tabu' not in kwargs else kwargs['conv_tabu']
iterations = 99 if 'iterations' not in kwargs else kwargs['iterations']
init_regions = [] if 'init_regions' not in kwargs else kwargs['init_regions']
scale_method = "standardize" if "scale_method" not in kwargs else kwargs['scale_method']
distance_method = 'euclidean' if 'distance_method' not in kwargs else kwargs['distance_method']
random_seed = 123456789 if 'random_seed' not in kwargs else kwargs['random_seed']
cpu_threads = 6 if 'cpu_threads' not in kwargs else kwargs['cpu_threads']
if w.num_obs < 1:
raise ValueError("The weights is not valid.")
if len(data) < 1:
raise ValueError("The data from selected variable is empty.")
if len(bound_variable) != w.num_obs:
raise ValueError("The bound_variable has to be a list of numeric values, e.g. a column of input table.")
if min_bound <= 0:
raise ValueError("The min_bound has to be a positive numeric value.")
in_data = VecVecDouble()
if type(data).__name__ == "DataFrame":
data = data.values.transpose().tolist()
for d in data:
min_bounds = VecPair()
max_bounds = VecPair()
min_bounds.push_back((min_bound, list(bound_variable)))
in_init_regions = VecInt(list(init_regions))
cluster_ids = gda_maxp_tabu(w.gda_w, in_data, scale_method, iterations, tabu_length, conv_tabu, min_bounds, max_bounds, in_init_regions, distance_method, random_seed, cpu_threads)
between_ss = gda_betweensumofsquare(cluster_ids, in_data)
total_ss = gda_totalsumofsquare(in_data)
ratio = between_ss / total_ss
within_ss = gda_withinsumofsquare(cluster_ids, in_data)
return {
"Total sum of squares" : total_ss,
"Within-cluster sum of squares" : within_ss,
"Total within-cluster sum of squares" : between_ss,
"The ratio of between to total sum of squares" : ratio,
"Clusters" : flat_2dclusters(w.num_obs, cluster_ids),