6 Spatial Clustering

Spatial clustering aims to group of a large number of geographic areas or points into a smaller number of regions based on similiarities in one or more variables. Spatially constrained clustering is needed when clusters are required to be spatially contiguous.

In pygeoda, there are three different approaches explicitly incorporate the contiguity constraint in the optimization process: SKATER, Redcap and Max-p. For more details, please read: * http://geodacenter.github.io/workbook/9c_spatial3/lab9c.html * http://geodacenter.github.io/workbook/9d_spatial4/lab9d.html

For example, to apply spatial clustering on the Guerry dataset, we use the queen weights to define the spatial contiguity and select 6 variables for similarity measure: “Crm_prs”, “Crm_prp”, “Litercy”, “Donatns”, “Infants”, “Suicids”:

>>> data = guerry[["Crm_prs", "Crm_prp", "Litercy", "Donatns", "Infants", "Suicids"]]
>>> data


The Spatial C(K)luster Analysis by Tree Edge Removal(SKATER) algorithm introduced by Assuncao et al. (2006) is based on the optimal pruning of a minimum spanning tree that reflects the contiguity structure among the observations. It provides an optimized algorithm to prune to tree into several clusters that their values of selected variables are as similar as possible.

The SKATER function in pygeoda:

pygeoda.skater(k, w, data, distance_method='euclidean', bound_vals = [],  min_bound = 0, random_seed=123456789)


The parameters distance_method, bound_vals, min_bound and random_seed are optional.


See [Max-p] for the usage of bound_vals and min_bound.

For example, to create 4 spatially contiguous clusters using skater() with Guerry dataset, the queen weights and the values of the 6 selected variables:

>>> skater_clusters = pygeoda.skater(4, queen_w, data)
>>> skater_clusters
{'Total sum of squares': 504.0000000000001,
'Within-cluster sum of squares': [57.890768263715266,
'Total within-cluster sum of squares': 159.0849116292847,
'The ratio of between to total sum of squares': 0.3156446659311204,
'Clusters': (3, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1,...)

This skater() function returns a names list with names “Clusters”, “Total sum of squares”, “Within-cluster sum of squares”, “Total within-cluster sum of squares”, and “The ratio of between to total sum of squares”.


REDCAP (Regionalization with dynamically constrained agglomerative clustering and partitioning) is developed by D. Guo (2008). Like SKATER, REDCAP starts from building a spanning tree with 4 different ways (single-linkage, average-linkage, complete-linkage and wards-linkage). Then,REDCAP provides 2 different ways (first‐order and full-order constraining) to prune the tree to find clusters. The first-order approach with a minimum spanning tree is exactly the same with SKATER. In GeoDa and pygeoda, the following methods are provided:

  • First-order and Single-linkage

  • Full-order and Complete-linkage

  • Full-order and Average-linkage

  • Full-order and Single-linkage

  • Full-order and Wards-linkage

For example, to find 4 clusters using the same dataset and weights as above using REDCAP with Full-order and Complete-linkage method:

>>> redcap_clusters = pygeoda.redcap(4, queen_w, data, "fullorder-completelinkage")
>>> redcap_clusters
{'Total sum of squares': 504.0000000000001,
'Within-cluster sum of squares': [59.33033487635985,
'Total within-cluster sum of squares': 176.95390150254138,
'The ratio of between to total sum of squares': 0.35109901091774076,
'Clusters': (1, 2, 1, 3, 3, 1, 2,...)

7.3 Spatially Constrained Hierarchical Clucstering

Spatially constrained hierarchical clustering is a special form of constrained clustering, where the constraint is based on contiguity (common borders). The method builds up the clusters using agglomerative hierarchical clustering methods: single linkage, complete linkage, average linkage and Ward’s method (a special form of centroid linkage). Meanwhile, it also maintains the spatial contiguity when merging two clusters.

For example, to find 4 spatially constrained clusters using the same dataset and weights as above using Complete-linkage method:

>>> schc_clusters = pygeoda.schc(4, queen_w, data, "complete")
>>> schc
{'Total sum of squares': 504.0000000000001,
'Within-cluster sum of squares': [78.13831458170165,
'Total within-cluster sum of squares': 79.77354858502969,
'The ratio of between to total sum of squares': 0.15828085036712236,
'Clusters': (1,1,1,1,1,1,...)

7.3 AZP

The automatic zoning procedure (AZP) was initially outlined in Openshaw (1977) as a way to address some of the consequences of the modifiable areal unit problem (MAUP). In essence, it consists of a heuristic to find the best set of combinations of contiguous spatial units into p regions, minimizing the within-sum of squares as a criterion of homogeneity. The number of regions needs to be specified beforehand, as in most other clustering methods considered so far.

pygeoda provides three different heuristic algorithms to find an optimal solution for AZP:

  • greedy

  • Tabu Search

  • Simulated Annealing

7.3.1 AZP greedy

The original AZP heuristic is a local optimization procedure that cycles through a series of possible swaps between spatial units at the boundary of a set of regions. The process starts with an initial feasible solution, i.e., a grouping of n spatial units into p contiguous regions. This initial solution can be constructed in several different ways. The initial solution must satisfy the contiguity constraints. For example, this can be accomplished by growing a set of contiguous regions from p randomly selected seed units by adding neighboring locations until the contiguity constraint can no longer be met.

>>> azp_clusters = pygeoda.azp_greedy(5, queen_w, data)
>>> azp_clusters
{'Total sum of squares': 504.0000000000001,
'Within-cluster sum of squares': [47.20702629865675,
'Total within-cluster sum of squares': 181.3664655521319,
'The ratio of between to total sum of squares': 0.3598540983177219,
'Clusters': (5, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, ...)

7.3.2 AZP Simulated Annealing

To call AZP simulate annealing algorithm, one needs to specify cooling_rate (default: 0.85):

>>> azp_clusters = pygeoda.azp_sa(5, queen_w, data, cooling_rate=0.85)
>>> azp_clusters
{'Total sum of squares': 504.0000000000001,
'Within-cluster sum of squares': [55.44537005496083,
'Total within-cluster sum of squares': 212.25269161182268,
'The ratio of between to total sum of squares': 0.42113629288060045,
'Clusters': (5, 2, 5, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, ...}

7.4 Max-p

The so-called max-p regions model (outlined in Duque, Anselin, and Rey 2012) uses a different approach and considers the regionalization problem as an application of integer programming. In addition, the number of regions is determined endogenously.

The algorithm itself consists of a search process that starts with an initial feasible solution and iteratively improves upon it while maintaining contiguity among the elements of each cluster. Like Geoda, pygeoda provides three different heuristic algorithms to find an optimal solution for max-p:

  • greedy

  • Tabu Search

  • Simulated Annealing

Unlike SKATER and REDCAP that one can specify the number of clusters as an input paramter, max-p doesn’t allow to specify the number of clusters explicitly, but a constrained variable and the minimum bounding value that each cluster should reach that are used to find an optimized number of clusters.

7.4.1 Max-p greedy

For example, to use greedy algorithm in maxp function with the same dataset and weights as above to find optimal clusters using max-p:

First, we need to specify, for example, every cluster must have population >= 3236.67 thousands people:

>>> bound_vals = guerry["Pop1831"]
>>> min_bound = 3236.67 # 10% of Pop1831
>>> print(bound_vals)
(346.03, 513.0, 298.26, 155.9, 129.1, 340.73, 289.62, 253.12, 246.36, 270.13, 359.06, 359.47, 494.7, 258.59, 362.53, 445.25, 256.06, 294.83, 375.88, 598.87, 265.38, 482.75, 265.54, 299.56, 424.25, 278.82, 524.4, 357.38, 427.86, 312.16, 554.23, 346.3, 547.05, 245.29, 297.02, 550.26, 312.5, 281.5, 235.75, 391.22, 292.08, 470.09, 305.28, 283.83, 346.89, 140.35, 467.87, 591.28, 337.08, 249.83, 352.59, 415.57, 314.59, 433.52, 417.0, 282.52, 989.94, 397.73, 441.88, 655.22, 573.11, 428.4, 233.03, 157.05, 540.21, 424.26, 434.43, 338.91, 523.97, 457.37, 935.11, 693.68, 323.89, 448.18, 297.85, 543.7, 333.84, 242.51, 317.5, 239.11, 330.36, 282.73, 285.13, 397.99, 352.49)

Then, we can call the max-p function with “greedy” algorithm, the bound values and minimum bound value:

>>> maxp_clusters = pygeoda.maxp_greedy(queen_w, data, bound_vals, min_bound)
>>> maxp_clusters
{'Total sum of squares': 504.0000000000001,
'Within-cluster sum of squares': [58.53340105931292,
'Total within-cluster sum of squares': 226.7834218021017,
'The ratio of between to total sum of squares': 0.4499671067502017,
'Clusters': (4,8,6,3,4,3,...)

7.4.3 Max-p Simulated Annealing

To apply simulated annealing algorithm in maxp function with the parameter of cooling rate:

>>> maxp_sa_clusters = pygeoda.maxp_sa(queen_w, data, bound_vals, min_bound, cooling_rate=0.85, sa_maxit=1)
>>> maxp_sa_clusters
{'Total sum of squares': 504.0000000000001,
'Within-cluster sum of squares': [49.54630063745117,
'Total within-cluster sum of squares': 231.10175204090598,
'The ratio of between to total sum of squares': 0.4585352223033848,
'Clusters': (2,8,5,2,2,4,8,...)

We can also increase the number of iterations for local search process by specifying the parameter initial (default value is 99):

>>> maxp_clusters = pygeoda.maxp_greedy(queen_w, data, bound_vals, min_bound, iterations=199)
>>> maxp_clusters
{'Total sum of squares': 504.0000000000001,
'Within-cluster sum of squares': (50.454710071353645,
'Total within-cluster sum of squares': 240.61519461090978,
'The ratio of between to total sum of squares': 0.4774111004184717,
'Clusters': (2,7,4,2,2,2,7,...)


NOTE: the max-p algorithm is very sensitive to the initial positions for constructing final solutions. Therefore, the random seed, which is used to determine the initial positions, could be used to execute several rounds of max-p algorithms for sensitive analysis.

7.5 Validation

Spatial validation provides a collection of validation measures including (1) fragmentations (entropy, simpson), (2) join count ratio, (3) compactness (isoperimeter quotient) and (4) diameter.

Fragmentation is a measure of spatial validation of clusters. It includes:

  1. entropy, which measures the fraction of observations in each cluster

  2. std_entropy, which is the standardized entropy measure

  3. simpson, which is a index for diversity measure in each cluster

  4. std_simpson, which is the standardized simpson measure

For non-spatially constrained cluster, the validation also reports cluster_fragmentation, which is a list of Fragmentation objects for each cluster, or None for spatially constrained clusters.

JoinCountRatio is measure of join counts (the number of times a category is surrounded by neighbors of the same category) over the total number of neighbors after converting each category to a dummy variable. It includes:

  1. neighbors, the total number of neighbors of elements in a cluster

  2. join_count, the total join count of elements in a cluster

  3. ratio: the ratio of total join count over total neighbors

Compactness is a measure of isoperimeter quotient for each spatially constrained cluster. It includes:

  1. area, the area of a cluster. For points, the convex hull is used to compute the area.

  2. perimeter, the perimeter of a cluster. For points, the convex hull is used to compute the perimeter

  3. isoperimeter_quotient, (4 * pi * area) / (perimeter^2)

Diameter is a measure of the longest shortest distance between any pairs in a cluster. It includes:

  1. steps, the longest shortest distance between any pairs

  2. ratio, the ratio of steps over the number of elements in the cluster

For example:

>>> skater_clusters = pygeoda.skater(6, queen_w, data)
>>> result = pygeoda.spatial_validation(guerry, skater_clusters['Clusters'], queen_w)
{'Spatially Constrained': True,
'Join Count Ratio': [...],
'All Join Count Ratio': [...],
'Fragmentation': [...],
'Cluster Fragmentation': None,
'Compactness': [...],
'Diameter': [...]