
pygeoda.local_multiquantilelisa(w, data, k, q, **kwargs)[source]

Multivariate Quantile LISA Statistics The function to apply multivariate quantile LISA statistics

  • w (Weight) – A spatial Weights object

  • data (list or dataframe) – A list of numeric vectors of selected variable or a data frame of selected variables e.g. guerry[[‘Crm_prs’, ‘Literacy’]]

  • k (tuple) – A tuple of “k” (int) values indicate the number of quantiles for each variable

  • q (tuple) – A tuple of “q” (int) values indicate which quantile or interval for each variable used in local join count statistics

  • permutations (int, optional) – The number of permutations for the LISA computation

  • permutation_method (str, optional) – The permutation method used for the LISA computation. Options are {‘complete’, ‘lookup-table’}. Default is ‘complete’.

  • significance_cutoff (float, optional) – A cutoff value for significance p-values to filter not-significant clusters

  • cpu_threads (int, optional) – The number of cpu threads used for parallel LISA computation

  • seed (int, optional) – The seed for random number generator


An instance of lisa class represents the results of quantile lisa

Return type
