import sys
import string
import random
import math
from .libgeoda import GeoDa, GeoDaTable, VecString, VecBool, VecInt64, VecDouble
import os
__author__ = "Xun Li <>"
__all__ = ['geoda', 'open']
[docs]class geoda:
A wrapper class of GeoDa class from libgeoda created from ESRI Shapefile
num_obs (int): The number of observations
num_cols (int): The number of columns
field_names (tuple): A list of field names
field_types (dict): A dict of field types
map_type (str): The map type (Point, Polygon, LineString)
[docs] def __init__(self, gda_obj):
Constructor of geoda object.
gda_obj : Object
An object / pointer of GeoDa class
self.gda = gda_obj
self.num_obs = gda_obj.GetNumObs()
self.num_cols = gda_obj.GetNumCols()
self.field_names = self.GetFieldNames()
self.field_types = self.GetFieldTypes()
self.map_type = self.GetMapType()
def GetNumCols(self):
Get the number of columns
: int
the number of columns
return self.gda.GetNumCols()
def GetNumObs(self):
"""Get the number of observations
int: thu number of observations
return self.gda.GetNumObs()
def GetFieldNames(self):
"""Get the field names of all columns
:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`: a list of field names
return self.gda.GetFieldNames()
def GetFieldTypes(self):
"""Get the field types (integer, real, string) of all columns
:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`: a list of field types
fnames = self.GetFieldNames()
ftypes = self.gda.GetFieldTypes()
newtypes = {}
for i, ft in enumerate(ftypes):
fn = fnames[i]
newtypes[fn] = ft
return newtypes
def GetMapType(self):
"""Get the map type
:obj:`str`: map type
return self.gda.GetMapTypeName()
def __getitem__(self, col_name):
"""Get the values from a column using [] operator
:obj:`str`: the name of selected column
:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`: a list of string values of selected column
if type(col_name) == list:
result = list()
ftypes = self.GetFieldTypes()
for item in col_name:
ft = ftypes[item]
if ft == "integer":
elif ft == "real":
return result
ftypes = self.GetFieldTypes()
ft = ftypes[col_name]
if ft == "integer":
return self.GetIntegerCol(col_name)
elif ft == "real":
return self.GetRealCol(col_name)
return self.GetStringCol(col_name)
def GetIntegerCol(self, col_name):
"""Get the integer values from a column
:obj:`str`: the name of selected column
:obj:`list` of int: a list of integer values of selected column
if not isinstance(col_name, str) or len(col_name) <= 0:
raise ValueError("The column name is not valid or not existed.")
return self.gda.GetIntegerCol(col_name)
def GetRealCol(self, col_name):
"""Get the real values from a column
:obj:`str`: the name of selected column
:obj:`list` of float: a list of float values of selected column
if not isinstance(col_name, str) or len(col_name) <= 0:
raise ValueError("The column name is not valid or not existed.")
return self.gda.GetNumericCol(col_name)
def GetStringCol(self, col_name):
"""Get the string values from a column
:obj:`str`: the name of selected column
:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`: a list of string values of selected column
if not isinstance(col_name, str) or len(col_name) <= 0:
raise ValueError("The column name is not valid or not existed.")
return self.gda.GetStringCol(col_name)
def GetUndefinedVals(self, col_name):
"""Get the undefined flags from a column
:obj:`str`: the name of selected column
:obj:`list` of :obj:`bool`: a list of bool flags indicating if the values are undefined of selected column
if not isinstance(col_name, str) or len(col_name) <= 0:
raise ValueError("The column name is not valid or not existed.")
return self.gda.GetUndefinesCol(col_name)
def __repr__(self):
info = ""
info += "geoda object:\n"
info += "\t Number of observations: {0}\n".format(self.num_obs)
info += "\t Number of fields: {0}\n".format(self.num_cols)
info += "\t Geometry type(s): {0}\n".format(self.map_type)
info += '{0:>24} {1:>28}\n'.format("field name:", "field type (shapfile):")
ftypes = self.GetFieldTypes()
for fn, ft in ftypes.items():
info += '{0:>24} {1:>28}\n'.format(fn, ft)
return info
def id_generator(size=6, chars=string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits):
return ''.join(random.choice(chars) for _ in range(size))
def geopandas_to_geoda(gdf, with_table=False):
"""Create a geoda instance from geopandas object.
Note: the table data are NOT copied to pygeoda for performance issue. It is
recommended to use table data in dataframe directly.
gdf (GeoDataFrame): An instance of geopands class.
with_table (boolean): A boolean flag indicates if copy the table content to geoda instance
(geoda): An instance of geoda class.
import geopandas
except ImportError:
print("(Optional) GeoPandas is not found. Please install GeoPandas for ESDA features.")
geoms = gdf.geometry
n_rows = len(gdf)
n_cols = gdf.columns.size
col_nms = gdf.columns
# Table
gda_tbl = GeoDaTable()
if with_table:
for i in range(n_cols):
col_nm = str(col_nms[i])
if col_nm == 'geometry':
col_type = gdf[col_nm].dtype
vals = gdf[col_nm].to_list()
if col_type == 'float64' or col_type == 'float':
vf = VecDouble(n_rows)
undef = VecBool(n_rows)
for i in range(n_rows):
vf[i] = vals[i]
undef[i] = vals[i] == None
gda_tbl.AddRealColumn(col_nm, vf, undef)
elif col_type == 'int64' or col_type == 'int':
vi = VecInt64(n_rows)
undef = VecBool(n_rows)
for i in range(n_rows):
vi[i] = vals[i]
undef[i] = vals[i] == None
gda_tbl.AddIntColumn(col_nm, vi, undef)
vs = VecString(n_rows)
undef = VecBool(n_rows)
for i in range(n_rows):
undef[i] = vals[i] == None
if undef[i] == False:
vs[i] = vals[i]
gda_tbl.AddStringColumn(col_nm, vs, undef)
# Geoms
wkb_size = []
wkb_array = []
wkb_bytecount = 0
for i in range(n_rows):
wkb = geoms[i].wkb
wkb_bytecount += wkb_size[-1]
#wkb_bytes = bytes(wkb_bytecount)
wkb_bytes = bytearray(wkb_bytecount)
if sys.version_info[0] < 3: wkb_bytes = bytearray()
start = 0
for i in range(n_rows):
wkb_bytes[start: start + wkb_size[i]] = wkb_array[i]
start += wkb_size[i]
# map type
if gdf.geom_type[0].endswith("Polygon"):
map_type = "map_polygons"
elif gdf.geom_type[0].endswith("Point"):
map_type = "map_points"
elif gdf.geom_type[0].endswith("Line"):
map_type = "map_lines"
raise ValueError("Error: pygeoda only supports geometry type of Polygon and Point.")
# random layer name
layer_name = id_generator()
# projection will be NOT handled in libgeoda
gda = GeoDa(gda_tbl, layer_name, map_type, wkb_bytes, wkb_size)
return geoda(gda)
def geoda_to_geopandas(geoda_obj):
"""Create a geopandas object from a geoda object.
geoda_obj (geoda): An instance of geoda class.
(GeoDataFrame): An instance of geopandas class.
gda = geoda_obj.gda
n_cols = gda.GetNumCols()
col_nms = gda.GetFieldNames()
col_tps = gda.GetFieldTypes()
# pandas DF
data = {}
for i in range(n_cols):
c_nm = col_nms[i]
c_tp = col_tps[i]
if c_tp == "integer":
data[c_nm] = gda.GetIntegerCol(c_nm)
elif c_tp == "numeric":
data[c_nm] = gda.GetNumericCol(c_nm)
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
vals = gda.GetStringCol(c_nm)
vals = [str(i) for i in vals]
data[c_nm] = vals
data[c_nm] = gda.GetStringCol(c_nm)
df = pandas.DataFrame(data)
# geometries
geoms = []
wkb_array = gda.GetGeometryWKB()
for wkb in wkb_array:
if sys.version_info[0] < 3: wkb = bytearray(wkb)
shapely_obj = shapely.wkb.loads(bytes(wkb))
gdf = geopandas.GeoDataFrame(df, geometry=geoms)
# projection
return gdf
class geodaGpd(geoda):
A wrapper class of GeoDa class from libgeoda created from a geopandas object
num_obs (int): The number of observations
num_cols (int): The number of columns
field_names (tuple): A list of field names
field_types (dict): A dict of field types
map_type (str): The map type (Point, Polygon, LineString)
def __init__(self, gpd_obj): = geopandas_to_geoda(gpd_obj)
self.gda =
self.df = gpd_obj
self.num_obs = len(self.df)
self.num_cols = self.GetNumCols()
self.field_names = self.GetFieldNames()
self.field_types = self.GetFieldTypes()
self.map_type = self.GetMapType()
def GetNumCols(self):
Get the number of columns
: int
the number of columns
return len(self.df.columns)
def GetFieldNames(self):
"""Get the field names of all columns
:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`: a list of field names
return self.df.columns.tolist()
def GetFieldTypes(self):
"""Get the field types (integer, real, string) of all columns
:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`: a list of field types
return self.df.dtypes.to_dict()
def GetMapType(self):
"""Get the map type
:obj:`str`: map type
geom_types = tuple(set(self.df.geometry.type))
return geom_types
def GetIntegerCol(self, col_name):
"""Get the integer values from a column
:obj:`str`: the name of selected column
:obj:`list` of int: a list of integer values of selected column
if not isinstance(col_name, str) or len(col_name) <= 0:
raise ValueError("The column name is not valid or not existed.")
return self.df[col_name].astype('int64').to_list()
def GetRealCol(self, col_name):
"""Get the real values from a column
:obj:`str`: the name of selected column
:obj:`list` of float: a list of float values of selected column
if not isinstance(col_name, str) or len(col_name) <= 0:
raise ValueError("The column name is not valid or not existed.")
return self.df[col_name].astype('float64').to_list()
def GetStringCol(self, col_name):
"""Get the string values from a column
:obj:`str`: the name of selected column
:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`: a list of string values of selected column
if not isinstance(col_name, str) or len(col_name) <= 0:
raise ValueError("The column name is not valid or not existed.")
return self.df[col_name].astype('str').to_list()
def __getitem__(self, col_name):
"""Get the values from a column using [] operator
:obj:`str`: the name of selected column
:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`: a list of string values of selected column
if type(col_name) == list:
return self.df[col_name]
return self.df[col_name].to_list()
def GetUndefinedVals(self, col_name):
"""Get the undefined flags from a column
:obj:`str`: the name of selected column
:obj:`list` of :obj:`bool`: a list of bool flags indicating if the values are undefined of selected column
if not isinstance(col_name, str) or len(col_name) <= 0:
raise ValueError("The column name is not valid or not existed.")
return [i==math.nan for i in self.df[col_name]]
def __repr__(self):
info = ""
info += "geoda object:\n"
info += "\t Number of observations: {0}\n".format(self.num_obs)
info += "\t Number of fields: {0}\n".format(self.num_cols)
info += "\t Geometry type(s): {0}\n".format(self.map_type)
info += '{0:>24} {1:>30}\n'.format("field name:", "field type (numpy.dtype):")
ftypes = self.GetFieldTypes()
for fn, ft in ftypes.items():
info += '{0:>24} {1:>30}\n'.format(fn,
return info
[docs]def open(data_source):
"""Create a geoda object by reading a spatial dataset: either ESRI Shapefile or GeoPandas object.
data_source (object): The data_source could be either the file path of the ESRI shapefile or a geopandas dataframe object.
:obj:`Object`: An object of geoda instance
if isinstance(data_source, str):
ds_path = data_source
if not isinstance(ds_path, str) or len(ds_path) <= 0:
raise ValueError("The input path of data source is not valid")
if not ds_path.lower().endswith('.shp'):
raise ValueError('Pygeoda can only open ESRI shapefile since v0.0.4')
if not os.path.exists(ds_path[0:-3]+'dbf'):
raise ValueError('This shapefile miss a DBF file')
if not os.path.exists(ds_path[0:-3]+'shx'):
raise ValueError('This shapefile miss a SHX file')
gda_obj = GeoDa(ds_path)
return geoda(gda_obj)
# else try to open a geopandas object
import geopandas
if isinstance(data_source, geopandas.GeoDataFrame):
return geodaGpd(data_source)
raise ValueError("pygeoda can't open current data source. Please use either a file path of an ESRI shapefile or a GeoPandas instance.")