Lab Installation


GeoDa requires write permission on serveral directories/files. When install GeoDa in a Lab environment, please make sure the following directories and files have write permission:


With latest GeoDa installer on windows (1.10+), you can try to install it in silent mode using the command:

   GeoDa-1.10-Windows-64bit.exe /VERYSILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES

(other switchers are here:

However, GeoDa will check if visual c++ 2010 redistributable has been installed, so you have to install the visual c++ 2010 redistributable package in command line in silent mode first. e.g.

   vc++2010.res.exe /quiet

One can search "Mictosoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package X86/X64" to download. Also, GeoDa will check if older version GeoDa has been installed, so this silent mode command will only work with clean installation.


To install GeoDa on CentOS in a Lab Environment, you can use the GeoDa package without root permission. You can download here