Source code for pygeoda.clustering.validation

__author__ = "Xun Li <>"

from ..libgeoda import gda_spatialvalidation, gda_all_joincount_ratio, gda_makespatial

[docs]class Diameter: """Diameter Measure Attributes: steps (int): the longest shortest distance between any pairs ratio (float): the ratio of number of steps to the number of elements in the cluster """
[docs] def __init__(self, diam): """Constructor of Diameter Args: diam (Object): An object/pointer of libgeoda Diameter class """ self.steps = diam.steps self.ratio = diam.ratio
def __repr__(self): info = "{" info += "'Steps': {0}, ".format(self.steps) info += "'Ratio': {0}".format(self.ratio) info += "}" return info
[docs]class Compactness: """Compactness Measure Attributes: area (float): the area of a cluster. If points, the convex hull is used to compute the area. perimeter (float): the perimeter of a cluster. If points, the convex hull is used to compute the perimeter isoperimeter_quotient (float): (4 * pi * area) / (perimeter^2) """
[docs] def __init__(self, comp): """Constructor of Compactness Args: comp (Object): An object/pointer of libgeoda Compactness class """ self.area = comp.area self.perimeter = comp.perimeter self.isoperimeter_quotient = comp.isoperimeter_quotient
def __repr__(self): info = "{" info += "'Area': {0}, ".format(self.area) info += "'Perimeter': {0}, ".format(self.perimeter) info += "'Isoperimeter quotient': {0}".format(self.isoperimeter_quotient) info += "}" return info
[docs]class JoinCountRatio: """Join Count Ratio Join count ratio is the join counts, the number of times a category is surrounded by neighbors of the same category, over the total number of neighbors after converting each category to a dummy variable. Attributes: n (int): the number of elements in a cluster neighbors (int): the total number of neighbors of elements in a cluster join_count (int): the total join count of elements in a cluster ratio (float): the ratio of total join count over total neighbors """
[docs] def __init__(self, jcr): """Constructor of JoinCountRatio Args: jcr (Object): An object/pointer of libgeoda JoinCountRatio class """ self.n = jcr.n self.neighbors = jcr.totalNeighbors self.join_count = jcr.totalJoinCount self.ratio = jcr.ratio
def __repr__(self): info = "{" info += "'n': {0}, ".format(self.n) info += "'Neighbors': {0}, ".format(self.neighbors) info += "'Join Count': {0}, ".format(self.join_count) info += "'Ratio': {0}".format(self.ratio) info += "}" return info
[docs]class Fragmentation: """ Fragmentation measure of spatial validation Attributes: n (int): number of elements in clusters entropy (float): entropy measure for fraction of observations in each cluster std_entropy (float): standardized entropy measure simpson (float): simpson's index is a measure of diversity in each cluster std_simpson (float): standardized simpson measure """
[docs] def __init__(self, gda_frag): """ Constructor of Fragmentation class. Args: gda_frag (Object): A libgeoda Fragmentation instance """ self.n = gda_frag.n self.entropy = gda_frag.entropy self.std_entropy = gda_frag.std_entropy self.simpson = gda_frag.simpson self.std_simpson = gda_frag.std_simpson
def __repr__(self): info = "{" info += "'Entropy': {0}, ".format(self.entropy) info += "'Entropy*': {0}, ".format(self.std_entropy) info += "'Simpson': {0}, ".format(self.simpson) info += "'Simpson*': {0}".format(self.std_simpson) info += "}" return info
[docs]class ValidationResult: """ Spatial Validation Result Attributes: spatially_constrained (bool): indicate if the clusters are n (int): number of clusters joincount_ratio (JoinCountRatio): a list of JoinCountRatio objects fragmantation (Fragmentation): an object of Fragmentation cluster_fragmentation (Fragmentation): a list of Fragmentation objects, or None for spatially constrained clusters compactness (Compactness): a list of Compactness objects, or None for non-spatially constrained clusters diameter (Diameter): a list of Diameter objects, or None for non-spatially constrained clusters """
[docs] def __init__(self, gda_validation): """ Constructor of ValidationResult class. Args: gda_validation (Object): A libgeoda validation instance """ self.spatially_constrained = gda_validation.spatially_constrained self.fragmentation = Fragmentation(gda_validation.fragmentation) self.n = self.fragmentation.n self.joincount_ratio = [] for i in range(self.n): self.joincount_ratio.append(JoinCountRatio(gda_validation.joincount_ratio[i])) self.all_joincount_ratio = JoinCountRatio(gda_all_joincount_ratio(gda_validation.joincount_ratio)) if self.spatially_constrained: self.cluster_fragmentation = None self.compactness = [] self.diameter = [] for i in range(self.n): self.compactness.append(Compactness(gda_validation.cluster_compactness[i])) self.diameter.append(Diameter(gda_validation.cluster_diameter[i])) else: self.cluster_fragmentation = [] for i in range(self.n): self.cluster_fragmentation.append(Fragmentation(gda_validation.cluster_fragmentation[i])) self.compactness = None self.diameter = None
def __repr__(self): info = "{" info += "'Spatially Constrained': {0}\n".format(self.spatially_constrained) info += "'Join Count Ratio': {0}\n".format(self.joincount_ratio) info += "'All Join Count Ratio': {0}\n".format(self.all_joincount_ratio) info += "'Fragmentation': {0}\n".format(self.fragmentation) info += "'Cluster Fragmentation': {0}\n".format(self.cluster_fragmentation) info += "'Compactness': {0}\n".format(self.compactness) info += "'Diameter': {0}\n".format(self.diameter) info += "}" return info
[docs]def spatial_validation(geoda_obj, clusters, w): """Spatial Validation Spatial validation provides a collection of validation measures including (1) fragmentations (entropy, simpson), (2) join count ratio, (3) compactness - isoperimeter quotient and (4) diameter. Args: geoda_obj (geoda): An instance of Geoda object clusters (list): A cluster classification variable (categorical values from a dataframe or values returned from cluster functions) w (Weight): An instance of Weight class. Returns: ValidationResult: An instance of ValidationResult including fragmentation, join count ratio, compactness, and diameter """ if w is None: raise ValueError("Weights is None.") if w.num_obs != len(clusters): raise ValueError("The size of data doesnt not match the number of observations.") result = gda_spatialvalidation(geoda_obj.gda, clusters, w.gda_w) return ValidationResult(result)
[docs]def make_spatial(clusters, w): """Make spatially constrained clusters Make spatially constrained clusters from non-spatially constrained clusters Args: clusters (list): A cluster classification variable (categorical values from a dataframe or values returned from cluster functions, e.g. kmeans) w (Weight): An instance of Weight class. Returns: result (list): A new categorical values represent spatially constrained clusters """ if w is None: raise ValueError("Weights is None.") if w.num_obs != len(clusters): raise ValueError("The size of data doesnt not match the number of observations.") result = gda_makespatial(list(clusters), w.gda_w) return result